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Bach : Concerti per violino - Kati Debretzeni/English Baroque Soloists/John Gardiner


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Bach, Concerti per Violino e orchestra BWV 1041, 1042, 1052R, 1053
Kati Debretzeni, violino
English Baroque Soloists diretti da John Eliot Gardiner
SDG 2019, formato 96/24


Disco in uscita a metà novembre 2019, offerto agli "amici" in anteprima, con uno sconto friends.
Per sole £6,40 ci si porta a casa il Bach umano degli amici inglesi del complesso English Baroque Soloists, di cui John Eliot Gardiner è solo il socio fondatore ma di cui ogni componente ha ruolo paritario.

Lo mostrano le foto




lo mostrano i sorrisi durante le prove.

Lo prova la loro musica.

Se facciamo un confronto con l'edizione di inizio anno, degli "specialisti" tedeschi della Akademie fur Alte Musik Berlin guidati da Isabelle Faust che certo Bach lo masticano a colazione fin da bambini, lo stacco è netto sin dalla prima nota del celeberrimo 1052 finale.
Ma ancora di più nel 1042, dove il tono soave e schietto, genuino di Kati Debretzeni si limita a portare la melodia sopra gli altri archi.

I tempi sono tranquilli, senza forzare. Non è una maratona. Del resto la solista è il primo violino del complesso dal 2000.
Tanti anni di frequentazione con tutte le Cantate di Bach e i Concerti Brandeburghesi (altra grande registrazione SDG) che non le hanno impedito di crearsi anche una solida fama di solista con altre compagini.

Lo spirito è quello solito di Gardiner, il gusto di fare musica insieme. L'amore per Bach, non per l'apparire.

Suono un pò secco, immagine costretta al centro (ma guardando il video si capisce il perchè). Il violino solista si perde un pò nel suono complessivo del tutti ma anche questo ci sta.

Ultima nota, il concerto BWV 1053 qui viene eseguito nell'arrangiamento della stessa Kati Debretzeni, dall'originale per clavicembalo.

Aggiungo le note scritte di pugno dalla solista e da Gardiner per ora non disponibili nel CD :

A personal letter from Kati Debretzeni
soloist and leader

Recording this album of Bach violin concertos with John Eliot Gardiner and my colleagues and friends from the English Baroque Soloists was a special experience. I have spent the last 22 years playing Bach with John Eliot. On the one hand I ‘grew up’ (musically speaking) with the strong dance element in this music, and on the other, the Monteverdi Choir’s singing just behind me or around me. Alongside the two mainstream violin concertos (A Minor and E Major) I chose to record two ‘borrowed’ ones. The first is a reconstruction based on the popular D minor harpsichord concerto which might (or might not, depending on which eminent musicologist you believe) have started life as a violin concerto. The second one is my own arrangement of another harpsichord concerto, that in E major, in keeping with Bach’s own custom of arranging and re-arranging his own works. Both these concertos have counterparts in Bach’s cantatas, where he uses the very same musical material (with the organ instead of harpsichord shining through), but superimposes the most glorious choral textures above the concerto material, with poignant texts sung - a ready-made source of inspiration for playing them in their concerto form, and one I was intimately familiar with from my time in that unforgettable, unique experience, the Bach Cantata Pilgrimage. 

 John Eliot was not willing to conduct the recording sessions at first - historically, the violinist (or harpsichordist) would have directed a Baroque orchestra in this repertoire. I ended up asking him to do so during the sessions, as I felt his presence and his fine-tuned ‘Bachian’ instincts gave a huge amount of extra energy for the orchestra to tap into, leaving me free to engage with them all with the greatest freedom. The many years of leading and playing Bach with him at the helm paid dividends galore - this meant speeds and characters were readily agreed upon, and I felt supported by him (both musically and personally) every inch of the way. Doing all this with the dedication, skill and support of all my long-time friends and colleagues within the EBS was an extra bonus - and a huge one at that. We danced and sang our way through 5 wonderful days last December, engaging close-up with this throughly life-enhancing music.

I hope you enjoy the fruits of this labour of love.

Kati Debretzeni


Bach’s violin concertos reveal an ebullient sense of invention and rhythmic exuberance in their dance-based outer movements and a hushed intimacy in the sublime slow movements. It is rather as if one is overhearing a passionate conversation between friends. Yet to maintain the conversation’s flow the soloist needs not just to master the different technical demands of each concerto and to capture moods that range from the playful to the profound, but also to locate the spirit of each individual movement and, as a result, to touch your soul. To me that is exactly how it felt when we recorded these four miraculous concertos with Kati Debretzeni and members of the EBS last December - with everyone sharing a palpable delight in the music-making.

John Eliot Gardiner

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